Sunday, October 25, 2009

Milk Power

To all current and future breastfeeding mommies: please consider donating to your local mother's milk bank! My local milk bank makes it really easy to become a donor and will even send you free containers to store your milk in. The hospital I drop my milk off at uses 30 bottles a day for babies who are premature, failing to thrive, or have other diseases or deficiencies. I look at it as a way for Anna and I to give back since she is such a healthy baby.

I always knew that I wanted to breastfeed, but since having a baby I've learned even more about the amazing benefits. For example, did you know that long-term breastfeeding can promote the development of a well-shaped jaw allowing for straighter teeth (of course Anna's thumbsucking may offset that benefit :)! These benefits aren't just coincidences, I believe our Creator designed the perfect system for a baby and mommy to thrive together. I guess you could say I have become somewhat of a lactivist (yes, that is an actual word)!


  1. Thats great! I had no idea you could do that!!

  2. Go Boobies! I love breastfeeding. And you are a rock star for all that pumping you have done.
