Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1 Month!

This little angel has only been with us for a month, but it is hard to imagine our family without her. She is such a sweetie and we are all loving on her as much as possible. At her 1 month appointment, she weighed 12 lbs. 12 oz. and was 23 inches long. I told her pediatrician that I am still shocked every time I hear how much weight she has gained. I looked back at Anna's stats and she was 12 lbs. 11 oz. at her two month check-up. Haven has already outgrown some of her 0-3 month outfits. :( She is obviously a good eater and she is a pretty good sleeper too. She has started going down around 10 and wakes up between 3 and 4, then goes back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours. If only I went to bed when she did, I would be getting decent sleep but when would I have time to blog???

She loves to be held and that is why I am not very productive these days. After Anna goes to bed, Haven and I have special one on one time (so does Daddy). I love that Anna wants to love on her so much, but it is nice to be able to nurse without a little helper right next to me.

She has just started smiling in the last couple days, but I haven't been able to capture it on camera yet...this is the closest I've come.

I just started giving her a paci and sometimes she wants it and sometimes she spits it out. Anna has become OBSESSED with pacifiers and always want to put one in Haven's mouth. I'm interested to see if Haven will eventually be a thumb sucker like her mama and big sis. Once when we were eating dinner and Haven started crying in the other room, Anna yelled out "Haven, suck your thumb!". She cracks us up!

Look at those rolls! I love that she is starting to look like the Michelin baby, but I have to be diligent about keeping all of her rolls clean. :)


  1. Oh my goodness, I love that chubba-wubba picture in the bouncy seat! She is just delicious. I know all babies sort of look alike at first, but in those first two photos she reminds me of Georgia. She is a doll, Kelli.

  2. Aww Haven please don't grow up too fast. She looks so much bigger since I've seen her. Glad she's giving you guys some good sleep!

  3. 12 lbs!!! Wow! She is definitely gaining well and flourishing. That's on less thing to worry about. I so understand the wish about going to sleep earlier!
