Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Months!

Here are 10 things I want to remember about this precious 10 month old.
1. Your pure, baby-face sweetness that I think this picture captures so well.
2. All of your rolls in your arms and legs. I love that the weather is warm enough to wear shorts and show off your chubby legs.
3. It is nice that at this age, you are starting to feed yourself more. You LOVE avocados just like mommy.
4. You are definitely an adventurous explorer. I love to watch you figure out how you can get over/under/around/through obstacles. If you take a tumble, you usually hardly blink and just get up to try again.5. You have found your voice and constantly remind us of it! Here you are screaming in this picture. This voice can mainly be heard when your sister is harassing loving on you too much.
6. You have the cutest expressions these days. Like this one:
This is your guilty look. Whenever you are getting into something you shouldn't and I say "no, no, no", you put your finger in your mouth.
7. You get such a big smile on your face when daddy comes into the room. I've noticed that you do little things to make sure you get his attention.
8. It is sweet to watch you and Anna's relationship develop. You love to be where she is and doing what she is doing.
You definitely want to grow up faster than I want you to!
9. While I loved the tiny baby phase of carrying you around in the Beco all the time, it is fun now that you are big enough to ride in things like the wagon and the grocery cart. 10. You have started to like to cuddle on me when you are tired and be rocked to sleep. I love that if you are ever upset, almost the minute I hold you in my arms, you stop crying.