Friday, April 2, 2010


On Thurday, we hosted a Seder meal with our lifegroup. What is a Seder meal you might be asking...well, it is the traditional Passover Week Dinner celebrated by the Hebrews since the Exodus. It is like a Hebrew Thanksgiving to God for deliverance and redemption. Seder is also that famous dinner called The Last Supper, hosted by Jesus for His disciples just before He was crucified. I think the Seder meal is a good way for us to prepare ourselves for the significance of Easter and not let it pass as just another Sunday.

It was a fun evening with good friends and good food. Last year Brad's parents hosted a Seder dinner so this is the second year in a row that we have gotten to experience a Seder. Hopefully it will be a tradition that we continue.

1 comment:

  1. We had a Seder service at our church Thursday night, led by a Jewish guy from the Messianic congregation in Duncanville. It was my first time to experience it - very cool & meaningful.
