Friday, May 31, 2013


Here is sweet Haven on her last night as a one year old
And the next morning as a two year old, waking up to balloons.
She requested the same birthday breakfast as her sister (a common occurence), a donut with pink icing and sprinkles.
Then she opened up a couple of gifts.
The girl LOVES swimming, so she got goggles and a swim cap because she kept wanting to use her sister's.

 We went with friends to Pump It Up in the morning and then went to Gigi's pool later in the day.
She gets so excited when I tell her that we are going swimming and everytime she rattles off all the things she will need.  She says "I get my goggles, bathing suit, ear plugs and go swimming Gigi's pool".

 She truly loves it so much that she threw the worst tantrum of her life when we had to leave.
I guess it was only fitting on since it was her second birthday and all.
We finished the day by watching her slide show from her first year (major tears were shed by her hormonal mommy) and telling her the story of her birth. 
Haven, you are such a fun-loving little thing and just what our family needed!
You are pretty happy and easy going most of the time.
I pray you live a life where you are "content in all circumstances".

You are talking so much these days and some of these little sayings crack me up:
One of the most common things you say is "Anna crying.  She wants mama.".  Your sister is...lets just say...a little more emotional than you and you have started to notice.
For awhile you went through a phase when you said "no I won't".  We taught you to say "yes I will" so you started to combine the phrases and repeat them over and over.
You have started this little "I like/because" phrase.  Some examples are:
"I like Haven because I like Haven."
"I like spaghetti because I like spaghetti."
Today you changed it up saying "I scared of thunder because Anna scared of thunder."
Maybe one of the sweetest things you say is "I want to hold you" before bed and though it is rare these days, you sometimes even fall asleep on me. 

Sometimes you surprise me when you do things like get all your colors right, count to twenty, or say a bible verse because I haven't worked with you as much as I did with Anna, but I'm realizing the benefits of an older sibling.  Another area this applies to is using the potty.  You have gotten to the point where you have used the potty and then carried it to me in the next room to show me.  I think I need to bite the bullet and put you in panties soon!

I'm interested to see how you will do with your little brother.  You have really come around since we first told you the news.  When we asked if you wanted mommy to have a baby you said "NO, NO, NO, NO!".  Then when we told you it was a brother you said "I want baby sister".  Now you are talking about baby brother and sometimes already hitting him.:)

32.5 lbs (90th %)
34.75 in (75th %)

Just a little video to hear her sweet voice.


  1. Cute pictures. I hadn't heard the story of her reaction to you having a baby; that's really funny. Glad she is coming around. :)

  2. that is the most adorable pool photos with the two of them sitting next to each other. don't you love the look on their faces when you give them something they want? their eyes light up!
