At two years old the best way to describe you is joyful and so much fun to be with! Here are just a few things you are up to these days...
You are starting to use your imagination and "pretend" to do some pretty funny things. Since it is spring and the bugs have started to come out you are interested in looking at them outside. Sometimes when we are inside you make a little hissing sound and rub your finger along my arm saying that it is a beetle or a ladybug. Then you proceed to tell me it's not scary. You also like to pretend to go on walks down to the Central Market. You often get us ice cream and apples.
BY FAR, your favorite toys to play with are your dolls and one doll in particular that you named Missy. You carry her everywhere and totally "mommy" her. I love to watch what you come up with to do with her. You nurse her, feed her, pray with her, go on walks with her, change her diaper, make her stand, and push her in the stroller.
You have started to sing more and sometimes make up your own songs. I can't always understand you but I love hearing your sweet little voice. You also don't like it if I try to sing with you.
You LOVE your cousins and friends. When I tell you that we are going to see a friend or cousin that day, you make this wide-eyed look with your mouth open and get so excited. You will talk about them all day until we see them and then that is all you talk about when they leave. You play pretty well with others but do have trouble sharing at times. You don't hit or grab but instead scream when someone is playing with something that you want to play with. We are working on this...
You like to stick to your bedtime routine and get upset if any small detail is off. Here is what it has progressed into (kinda ridiculous): Mommy and Daddy give dolly and owlie boopies, kisses, and hugs. Then you stand up and get a boopie, kiss and hug from mommy and then from daddy. Daddy lays you down and covers you with your 1st bird blanket (light pink side down) then mommy covers you with your second bird blanket. Either mommy or daddy will pray for you and then you often want to say a prayer. Sorry child, don't know if this will be able to continue once baby sister arrives!
Just before you turned 2 you started to get very interested in using the potty and are slowly progressing to being potty trained. We put a potty seat in the bathroom a few months ago and have been talking about it, but for the longest time you only liked to sit on it with your diaper and clothes on. I wasn't going to put forth an effort to officially potty train you until after Haven, but you have kinda taken the lead. When we are at home, you often let us know when you want to go potty and have gone #1 and #2. You even insisted on wearing your panties when we left the house once and stayed dry!
Your Stats:
Height: 34.75 in. ~ 66%
Weight: 28 lbs ~ 72%
Head: 48.5 in. ~ 97%